IEEE ISIT2011 TPC Chairs Contact E-Mail: Initial Submission
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The paper submission is closed. The received papers are under review. The expected date of notification of acceptance/rejection is May 1, 2011.

Authors who wish to present their work at ISIT 2011 must create a document consisting of a concise description of their research ideas and applications, and submit the resulting manuscript electronically through the ISIT 2011 website. The submission and review processes will be conducted entirely online. To ensure a fair and timely review of the papers, we ask that authors submit documents that are formatted according to the guidelines below.

Paper Requirements

Submitted papers should be of sufficient depth for review by experts in the field.  Final papers will be limited to 5 pages in standard IEEE conference format, and they will be included in the proceedings that will be made available on the IEEEXplore system.  Submitted papers are also limited to 5 pages in standard IEEE conference format, however a submitted paper may also include supplementary appendices, beyond the five page limit, but those appendices will be read only at the discretion of the reviewers' and technical program committee's discretion and the total length is limited to 10 pages. For example, an author could submit a ten page paper for review, but the last five pages would have to be used for appendices that the reviewers are not obligated to read. Then if the paper is accepted, the author could remove those appendices to meet the five page maximum for final manuscript. The Information Theory Society also encourages authors to post submitted papers to Final manuscripts will be strictly limited to five pages. A submission should contain a clear presentation of the merits of the paper, including (i) what the paper's main contributions are, (ii) why the secontributions are of interest, and (iii) how the new contributions relate to prior work. The paper submission deadline is February 15, 2011, at midnight, Eastern Time (New York, USA) , with notification of acceptance by May 1, 2011. Manuscripts must follow the IEEE conference specificationsin standard letter-size format. Candidate papers must be submitted by the deadline date, with no exceptions. Papers must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF), and they must have ALL FONTS embedded. Authors will be permitted to submit document files up to 5 MB (megabytes) in size.

Accepted papers MUST be presented at the conference by one of the authors. The presenter MUST register for the conference prior to the deadline given for author registration (with a maximum of three papers per author registration). Failure to register before the deadline will result in automatic withdrawal of the paper from the conference proceedings and program.

Additionally, ISIT 2011 requires that each accepted paper be presented in-person at the conference site according to the published schedule. Any paper accepted into the technical program, but not represented on-site will be withdrawn from the official proceedings archived on IEEEXplore.

Electronic Paper Submission

In preparation for the initial submission process, authors must gather the following information:

  • Document file in PDF format;
  • Affiliation, email address and mailing address for every author;
  • Paper title;
  • Text file containing paper abstract in ASCII format (for copying and pasting into web page form).

ALL authors must be entered on the online form, and must appear in the same order in which they appear on their submitted manuscript.

After you submit this information, the system will display a page with the data that you entered so that you may verify its accuracy. If you need to change the data to fix a mistake, you may use the back button on your browser to return to the information entry form. Once you approve of the data that you have entered, you must select your document file for upload at the bottom of the verification page. When you click on the button labeled 'Continue' at the bottom of this page, the server will check the filename extension to make sure it matches the submission criteria, then your browser will upload your file to our server. Depending on the size of your file and your internet connection speed, this upload may take a few minutes. At the end of a successful upload, you will see a confirmation page displaying the paper number that is assigned to you, and an email message will be sent to the corresponding authors' email addresses to confirm that the file has been uploaded. If you do not see the confirmation page after uploading your file and do not receive an email acknowledgement regarding the paper, we may not have successfully received your file upload.

IEEE Copyright Transfer Form

Copyright transfer forms will be required for all accepted papers by May 31, 2011. Those forms may be filled out electronically via the IEEE e-copyright system when the final version of the paper is submitted. See details in the instructions for final manuscripts.

Online Review Process

If a paper does not meet specifications, it may be returned without review. A committee of reviewers selected by the tecnical program committee will review the documents and rate them according to quality, relevance, and correctness. The program committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation in the conference. The result of the committee's decision will be communicated to the submitting authors by email, along with reviewer comments, if any. Because of the short amount of time between paper acceptance decisions and the beginning of the publication process, ISIT 2011 is not able to allow for a two-way discourse between the authors and the reviewers of a paper.


The IEEE Information Theory Society and the Technical Program Committee of ISIT 2011 encourage authors to post preprints of their submitted papers on the arXiv preprint server at the time of submission. For information on this recommendation and on how to post articles, please visit the ITSoc website.
