The 2011 International Symposium on Information Theory will take place July
31 – August 5, in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the Northern capital of the Russian
Federation. Previously unpublished contributions from a broad range of topics
in information theory are solicited, including (but not limited to) the following
The Symposium is under the aegis of General Trustee
Academician Evgenii P. Velikhov.
Researchers working in emerging fields of information
theory or on novel applications of information theory are
especially encouraged to submit original findings. Submitted
papers should be of sufficient depth for review by experts in
the field. Final papers will be limited to 5 pages in standard
IEEE conference format. The paper submission deadline is
February 15, 2011, at midnight, Eastern Time (New York,
USA). The deadline is firm and no extensions will be granted.
Notification of acceptance by May 1, 2011. Detailed
information on paper submission, technical program,
tutorials, travel, social programs, and travel grants will be
announced on the ISIT2011 website:
Coding theory and practice
Communication theory
Cryptography and data security
Detection and estimation
Information theory and statistics
Network communication theory
Multiple terminal information theory
Pattern recognition and learning
Quantum information theory
Sequences and complexity
Shannon theory
Signal processing
Source coding
Vladimir Blinovsky
IITP, Bolshoy Karetny, 19,
Moscow, 127994, Russia
+7 (926) 831-95-97
Alexander Kuleshov
IITP, Bolshoy Karetny, 19,
Moscow, 127994, Russia
+7 (495) 650-42-25
Anthony Ephremides
University of Maryland, USA
College Park, MD 20742
+1 (301) 405-3641